Advanced browsing : en
WWW Virtual Library --- Advanced Browsing --- Display of Information
Resources to resize, summarize, personalize, translate or browse safely information with your browser.
Broader categories :
This is not intended as an HTML guide, but rather as a
guide to the best tricks some browsers/servers have found to improve
readability and display of information, often regardless of the original formatting
intentions of the author.
Size matters...
- Opera:
- Zooming allows users to zoom in and out, very helpful when you don't
have the screen size the author assumed.
- Small-Screen Rendering adapts Web browsing to smaller screens such as PDAs and mobile phones.
Most other browsers can increase fonts of text (when text is not embedded in
- Press 'Ctrl' and '+' to increase font size for Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape (see also how
to do it with the menu or the mouse)
- For Safari, press 'command' and '+' to increase font size or
choose 'View' from the menu. To increase font size automatically for
all pages, select "Preferences" from the Safari menu bar, click on the
"Advanced" button, tick the "Universal Access" check box and select a minimum font size from the drop down menu to the right.
- Internet Explorer doesn't increase font-sizes specified as
pixels. A work-around for versions 5.5 and up is available by loading
this javascript
(just click on it - and you can bookmark the link and call it from any page) then using '+' or
'-' to zoom (see full
Size is everything...
- Copernic summarizer
- Summarizes web documents inside
of all popular web browsers.
- Sinope summarizer
- Summarizes web documents inside
of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
- Pertinence summarizer
- In java, accessible from web browsers, can summarize HTML, PDF,
DOC, RTF, TXT formats. Has a working demo summarizing Google's French results of searches.
Good as a home page.
- My Yahoo
- All in one page, including weather, emails, agenda, stocks, tv listings, maps, movie showtimes, best fare tracker, bookmarks, package tracker, job offers...
- My Jeeves
- Saves, stores and shares anything you want from the web: search results, web pages, images, bookmarks...
- Google's My account
- Bookmarks, weather, email, news providers. What's neat is you can type keywords to select news providers.
- My msn
- News, weather, email... The tour page didn't work so I don't know much more about this service... And the Back menu (to go back to this page) doesn't work either...
- Glue
- Shows you friends who looked at the same things (books, music, movies, wines, restaurants, gadgets, stocks, actors, tv shows...) on popular sites and what they thought!
The tracking package for blogs MyBlogLog has a nice navigation feature: when one rolls the mouse over a link, a tiny pop-up window tells you the ranking of the link within the page (e.g. it say this is the 17th most popular outgoing link of the page).
Better safe than sorry...
- Your Daily Computer Security Tips
- Blog about keeping you safe & secure on the information superhighway.
Find solutions even for problems you didn't know you had...
- PS's place
- Blog with news, reviews, tutorials, how to's, tips and tricks about computers and the Internet.
Opera Turkiye
- News, tips and tricks about Opera Browser in Turkish.
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